FCA UCO CC Board Chairman Seryozha Hayrapetyan, CEO/President Armen Gabrielyan and Deputy CEO/Chief Credit Officer Hrant Yeghiazaryan have participated in the MFC 18th Annual Conference in Prague, Czech Republic from 4 to 6 November. On the first day of the Conference the Elections of Board of Directors took place, and Armen Gabrielyan was elected as a Board Director.
MFC brings together 105 organizations (including 77 MFIs) in 32 countries of Central Europe and Asia, who serve over 1,000,000 low-income clients.
The Microfinance Centre Board of Directors provides strategic leadership in promoting client-oriented and responsible financial inclusion. MFC’s mission is to contribute to poverty reduction and the development of human potential by promoting a socially-oriented and sustainable microfinance sector that provides adequate financial and non-financial services to a large numbers of micro-entrepreneurs.
The closing event of the MFC Annual Meeting was Granting Ceremony of Certificates to the participant financial institutions of Borrow Wisely International Educational Campaign in 2014. It is important to note, that Armenia has had only one participant financial institution – Farm Credit Armenia in 2014, however in 2015 four Armenian organizations including Farm Credit have been participating in the Campaign.