The activities of “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC are regulated by the following legal acts:
- Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia
- RA Law “On Central Bank of Armenia”
- RA Law "On Banks and banking"
- RA Law “On Bankruptcy of banks, credit organizations and insurance companies”
- RA Law "On bank secrecy"
- RA Law "On currency regulation and currency control"
- RA Law “On Credit Organizations”
- RA Law "On combating money laundering and terrorism financing"
- RA Law "On financial system ombudsman"
- RA law "On Consumer Credit"
- Regulation 8/03 “Publicizing-of the information by banks, credit organizations, insurance companies, insurance brokers, investment companies, central depository and payment and settlement organizations carrying out money transfers”
- Regulation 8/05 "Communication terms, procedures, forms and minimum requirements between bank and depositor, creditor and consumer"
- “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC charter