Our approach

Farm Credit encourages environmentally sustainable initiatives. In alignment with our commitment to environmental stewardship, ecological principles are integral to our operations, encompassing financing and community involvement. We consistently ensure that every project we endorse positively influences not only our clients but also the environment, adhering to established environmental standards. By promoting sustainable business practices, we aim to contribute to the development of a greener and more sustainable future for Armenia.  

In "Green Corner," you can explore our initiatives and their effects on environmental protection, which are based on the following principles of our policy designed to mitigate the environmental impact of lending:

  • Farm Credit does not finance activities that pose a danger to the environment,
  • Farm Credit refrains from supporting activities that are prohibited by RA laws, international standards, and conventions.


Our impact




Emissions Reduction Index                                                      

The share of customers

residing in rural areas in the total number of active customers     



The share of low environmental risk class loans 

in the credit portfolio




The share of energy-efficient

renovation loans in the credit portfolio



  FCA has received a Gold Certificate                                                               FCA participated in a tree planting event