August 08, 2016
The Central Bank of Armenia approved the amendments of the “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC charter, which was made during the General Annual Meeting of the cooperative. As a result, the statutory capital of “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC has increased by 48,747,389 AMD (about $102,380). Currently the statutory capital is equal to 748,541,477 AMD (about $1,572,104).
August 12, 2015
The Central Bank of Armenia approved the amendments of the “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC charter, which was made during the General Annual Meeting of the cooperative. As a result, the statutory capital of “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC has increased by 25,931,000 AMD (about $54,940). Currently the statutory capital is equal to 699,794,088 AMD (about $1,483,000).
August 13, 2014
The Central Bank of Armenia approved the amendments of the “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC charter, which was made during the General Annual Meeting of the cooperative. As a result, the statutory capital of “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC has increased by 112,972,370 AMD (about $277,000). Currently the statutory capital is equal to 673, 863,088 AMD (about $1,651,000).
May 16, 2013
By the decision of “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC General Shareholder’s annual meeting on 2013, May 16 the statutory capital has been supplemented by 72,107,367.60 AMD and now amounts to 560,890,717.60 AMD:
This change was approved by the RA Central Bank on 01/07/13 by the decision of 1/534 A.
July 13, 2012
“Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC chartered capital was raised and currently is 488,783,350 AMD.