Trainings for FCA Board Members and Management Team


From January 15-17, 2013 “Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC again hosted trainers from the US: professor at Texas A&M University Dr. John Penson and Chief Risk Officer of Opportunity International Lynn Exton who conducted the following trainings for FCA Board of Directors and management team.
     The first two days of training for the board members were devoted to board governance, risk management and the role and responsibilities of board members. The Board was also involved in assessing three case studies involving internal audit fraud, a grant proposal, stress testing, as well as board self-assessment, discussion of Governance Manual and proposed charters for its Audit committee and Executive and Human Resources committee as well as work plans for the two committees.
     The second training for management team included the following topics: risk management objectives, stress testing of strategic plan, risk matrix, etc. Both trainings were delivered in an interactive manner, i.e. group discussions, case studies, group assignments were part of meeting, thus making the conducted training sessions more informative and accessible.

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