“Farm Credit Armenia” UCO CC Was Admitted as a Member of Cooperatives Europe


FCA CEO Armen Gabrielyan participated at the Cooperatives Europe General Assembly-2013 in Istambul, Turkey from May 6-7, 2013. During the assembly "Farm Credit Armenia" was affirmed as the member of Cooperatives Europe. The event brought together cooperative enterprises and cooperative organizations from all over Europe. This year, the meeting included Governance elections and 2013 strategy discussions. On May 6th, Dirk Lehnhoff was elected president of Cooperatives Europe. 90% of the members of Cooperatives Europe participated in the elections and two thirds voted in the new president as well as the new Board of Cooperatives Europe. Lehnhoff is currently a member of the Board of Directors of DGRV, the apex organisation of the German cooperative movement and responsible for the International Relations Department of DGRV.
While the first day was dedicated to Cooperatives Europe General Assembly, the second day two thematic workshops and a leadership roundtable have been organized. Cooperatives Europe annual meeting was the perfect occasion to enhance partnership opportunities for cooperatives and to foster discussions on how the cooperative business model can be further developed.

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